It's hard to believe that our son will be joining us in 9 weeks. I have been really enjoying carrying him and love him so much already. Aaron and I have been busy getting ready for this little guy and hope to have the nursery done in the next couple weeks. All the hard stuff is done and I'm just working on the sewing now. I'll do a nursery post soon.
While on our vacation in Miami we had some family/maternity pictures taken and here are a couple sneak peaks. I haven't seen them all yet and will post more when I get the cd.

I don't really look that big from the front but then I turn to the side and you get this...
(25 weeks for comparison)

Big difference in the last 5 weeks, ha?
Here is my 30 week list:
That's it for now. I think I'll start taking my belly pics every two weeks now since we are getting close to D-Day.
- We have a name! Well, all most. His name will be Dane Christensen and we just need to finalize the middle name.
- I feel heavy. It's a lot harder to get around.
- No swelling...yet
- I have an "outie"
- My baby shower is THIS weekend! I can't believe that I'm about to have a baby shower!
- I've been eating to much ice-cream/frozen yogurt.
- Just need to finish the bumper and dust ruffle and two pillows and the sewing for the nursery will be done
- We took our birthing class and it was great! I feel excited and prepared for labor (as prepared as you can be I guess)
- The most common comment I'm getting "When is your due date again? Wow, I don't think you're going to make it" -Lol, nice way to make a girl feel small ;-)
- Nesting has started. Actually started about 3 weeks ago. Isn't that to early? Poor Aaron.
- Every now and then he will get in a position where he is sitting on my sciatica nerve and I can't walk. Ouch!
- Dane is really active and strong. I'm starting to be able to recognize where body parts are.
- He gets hiccups :-)
- I dressed him up as a basketball for Halloween since that is what everyone says he looks like. His Daddy was a basketball player.
- Sleeping at night? Not so much.
- I get a lot of offers to help me with things. I guess that is the up side of looking so big:-)
- Finished my glucose test. It wasn't that bad. I did just fine.
- I can't seem to remember anything! I apologize now if I was supposed to call you back or show up to something and I don't. I have a serious case of pregnancy brain.
- I'm so excited for the Holidays!
That's it for now. I think I'll start taking my belly pics every two weeks now since we are getting close to D-Day.