I'm in Utah!
Okay, that's not my fun fact but we are having a fun time out here. I can't wait to share some of our pictures with you guys.
Since I'm traveling right not I think I will do a fun fact about traveling.
When I was 12 years old we took a train ride from Buffalo NY, to San Diego CA with my mom, sister (6mo) and my grandma. It had been my Grandma's life long dream to do that trip and since my Uncle(her son) was getting married in San Diego we figured it was a good time to take it.
We loved it! It took a long time but we got to see the whole country pass in front of us and no one had to drive. We liked getting out at the rest stops and buying jewelery from the Native Americans.
I have a lot of fun memories from that trip and most people can't say they have taken a train ride across the entire country!
How about you? Share one of your fun facts!