Wednesday, September 19, 2012

No, this wan't an accident

I thought I would just get that question out of the way. :-)

Dane got to tell his daddy about the baby.

It took five years of trying to be able to conceive and carry to term our first born child. It was a very long emotional 5 years but totally worth it. I know lots of women try for even longer than that and my heart goes out to them. Right around the time Dane was turning 3 months I started having really strong feelings that we needed to start trying again and soon. I dismissed it as a crazy post pregnancy thought. Then I started my period again. What ever happened to not starting it till after I stop breastfeeding? Anyway, at that point I decided to talk to some close mommy friends about the feelings I was having to see if it was a normal thing for women to feel after having a baby. They confirmed it definitely wasn't. It took me another month to get the courage up to tell Aaron about these feelings and I was a little surprised/comforted at his reaction. There was no "You are a crazy women", just a "okay, lets pray about it and see what happens". My feelings got stronger when the next month all of the horrible pains that I used to get during my cycle returned.

Skip ahead a few months and our prayers were answered. Dane was 6 months old when I got pregnant. The baby is due April 25, 2013. So, yes, they will be 15 months apart. I know this will be a challenge but if you know me at all you know I like challenges.

Ultimately we are just so grateful that we were able to conceive so quickly and that Dane will have a brother or sister so close in age. Now our prayers are just focused on having a healthy, full-term, pregnancy. We thank our Heavenly Father daily for this blessing.

As far as how I'm feeling. Hungry pretty much sums it up. Even before I found out I was pregnant the hunger was incredible. I couldn't get enough cheese! This worries me a little considering I'm starting off about 5-6 lbs heavier than when I got prego with Dane (never fully reached that pre-pregnancy weight. Bummer). I'm sure it will even off when I hit the sick stage of my pregnancy. And the fact that I'm still breastfeeding Dane is adding to the extreme hunger. I'm not exactly sure what to do about breastfeeding now. Should I start weaning him now? So, if I'm not full I start to feel nauseated. I haven't vomited...yet. Just feel like it non stop. 

Here is our little peanut at  8weeks 5days

 Funny (not really) story- The ultrasound tech thought she saw two babies at first. She confirmed there is only one. I about died.

And my 5 week picture

I am 9 weeks along. I know it is a little early to announce the pregnancy but I'm already starting to show and I've turned into a little bit of a crazy women so it's just better if you all know why:-)

Something else exciting? Baby #2 will have a cousin born just a few months earlier! I never really had any cousins so this makes me excited for my children.

On the plus side, I haven't packed up all my maternity clothes yet;-) Keep us in your prayers!


Stacey said...

Yeah!! I am seriously so excited for you and having two kids so close is AWESOME! For real. You're going to love it!

barlow.stephanie said...

HOORAY! Better get a lily tracker for this new bundle of AWESOME!!!

Amber said...

A huge congratulations!!! You will be a great mom to the two little ones. Sure, it will be crazy somedays, but it is absolutely and totally worth it - and you will be amazing! As for breastfeeding, you can talk to your doctor, but everything that I have read says that you can breastfeed all through pregnancy and some women will even tandem breastfeed (if you wanted to breastfeed Dane that long). It's totally a choice how long you do it, and there isn't a right or wrong answer, just don't stop breastfeeding because you think that you aren't able to do it while you are pregnant. Good luck!

Shawna Faye said...

This is soooo exciting! You are going to do great with two little ones!

As for the breastfeeding I know lots of women who breastfeed while they are preggo. And I've known a few who've even nursed all the way up til they had the second baby and then just continued to nurse them both afterwards. You body can defeinitely make enough milk. But I think it boils down to what you feel like doing.

Also it sounds like you symptoms are a bit different this time around. Maybe it's a girl? :) But I have a feeling it's a boy. Either way, it's going to be awesome!

Trena said...

Congrats Marly! My kids are 16 months apart, and while it was hard when they were little, we are LOVING it right now and am so happy I had them so close in age. As far as breastfeeding, I was in your same shoes. I loved breastfeeding Maggie, but I was so sick and could NOT keep 3 people alive. I weened her and she didn't like it, but eventually took a bottle. Do what's ever feels good to you. I just couldn't be morning sick and nursing. It was awful. Congrats again!

Team Smith Adventures said...

That is so exciting!! My sister and I are 15 months apart and all I can say is, good luck. :) But we have always been best friends, we had tons of fun getting into trouble growing up and now we are still best friends and watching our kids grow up together. Congrats! (And congrats it's NOT twins!)

Sherri Araiza said...

What GREAT news!!! Congratulations!! Xoxo

Valerie said...

15 months is doable :) You can't argue with the spirit! So excited for you and congratulations!

SpencernAmy said...

That is so awesome! Way happy for you! And this new baby will also have a second cousin within a month of his/her age...and yes, this was not an accident, either. Bummer we don't live closer!

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