Thursday, December 6, 2012

15-20 weeks baby #2

They say every pregnancy is different and now that I'm on my second one I can really confirm that. This pregnancy has been completely different. That should give some of you hope that are scared to get pregnant again ;-) If I had to guess what I was having based on my symptoms I would have said a girl because it feels so different.

First off I should say how sad I am that I missed my 15 week post and picture. Bummer. But life was a little too crazy and I was a little too sick. Oh well, here is the recap...

I started feeling him move for sure at 15.5 weeks. {About the same time as Dane.} I think that I actually felt him move first at about 13 weeks but everyone tells me that isn't possible.

Morning sickness lasted till about 16 weeks this time but it was way different than with Dane. Instead of feeling nauseous and then vomiting and then feeling better for a little while I just felt nauseous ALL. THE. TIME.  I vomited a total of 2 times this pregnancy! Not including the stomach flu that I got at 17 weeks that had me down for the longest 3 days of my life.

My back started hurting at 18 weeks. Mostly just on my left side like normal. However, I seem to remember that my hips were killing me when I would sleep with Dane by this point. They aren't hurting this time. Guess they did all the adjusting they needed to last time.

I started showing much earlier with this one and feel like I am just generally larger. But I haven't gained any weight yet (at 19 weeks)! {I'm sure having the stomach flu didn't help} I'm pretty sure that at my next appointment I will have gained a couple of pounds and that I will have some make up weight gain the next few weeks.

Speaking of what everyone keeps telling me, everyone keeps telling me that this little boy is going to be a wild child. Mostly because Dane is "so well behaved". Everyone keeps telling me that the second child is always completely different and usually a handful. The first couple of times someone told me that I just laughed but now it is a little out of control. I'm getting scared!

We found out at 18.5 weeks that we are having another boy! We are so excited. It is just what we wanted and think/hope they will be best of friends. We have also decided that his name will be Michael Paul Christensen. It is a very traditional name but special to us. Michael is a name that we decided on our first year of marriage for a son and Paul is a family name on my side of the family. We love it. And it is really nice having the name decided so early so that we don't have to think about it.

{PS. I find the fact that I am going to be in a house with all boys kind of ironic. Growing up in a home of all girls I definitely have a learning curve}

Baby Michael was really active during the ultrasound. It was so fun to see! { Dane would always hold perfectly still during the ultrasounds.} We saw his profile, hands, feet, boy parts, spine, and everything looked great. He has a nice strong heartbeat and the heart looked good too.

It has been really hard continuing nursing throughout this pregnancy. It mostly was just wearing me out for the first trimester and then it started to hurt (really bad) during my second. My milk production started to decrease so I started to really work on having Dane take a bottle and supplementing. At about 19 weeks pregnant I got down to just nursing once during the night time and by 20 weeks we have stopped all together. {Dane was 10.5 months old} It was a little emotional on my part just because I had plans to nurse till a year at least. Oh well. Dane didn't even seem to notice when we stopped all together:-)


  #2 vs. #1

After comparing the pictures I actually look about the same size, ha?


Soni said...

Yeah, I think you're look about the same size. Except for your boobs, they look bigger this time around. ;)
In our family, I was the calm child & Debi wasn't necessarily the wild child per se, but she was definitely more active, outspoken & rebellious than I was.
Good luck!! =)

Ann said...

It's true that all second children are crazy but you can totally handle it. Thanks for the plug of encouragement. :) You are so cute.
Go Team Blue!

Jamie said...

You have such a gorgeous pregnant silhouette! You should cut it out and frame it.

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