Saturday, May 8, 2010

Do you know what the Battery is in Baseball?

I do.

Friday was Darrel's(Aaron's brother)birthday. He invited us to celebrate by going to a Dodger game. We had a great time.

Sometimes I still think it is funny that I enjoy going to these games. If you had asked me 5 years ago if I like baseball games I would have said- "No, not really". That was all before Aaron came into my life. Right off the bat in our dating Aaron was taking me to sporting events. I think the first picture I have of us we are at a Dodger game. At that point I had no idea what was going on in the game but I did enjoy the food and crowd participation but most of all I like the boy sitting next to me. After that I decided to take some interest in Aaron's two favorite sports baseball and basketball. Aaron was so patient with me and answered all of the (dumb)questions I had while we were watching the games. 4 1/2 years later I can talk sports with the best of them. Well, maybe not the best of them because my sports knowledge is limited to anything that happened after 2006 and has to do with the Dodgers and Lakers. But, that being said I do pretty well. I really embraced it.

I think making that small decision to embrace that one thing that Aaron really likes in our marriage really made a huge difference in the long run. Plus, I think that if I had decided to not like it and resent it the person that would have suffered the most would have been me. Now we can both yell at the TV together:-)

Have any of you out there ever embraced something that your significant other loved that you never thought you would like and then end up liking it? Or visa versa?

(Oh, by the way, I am not the only one in our marriage that learned to like something new for the other)

Aaron takes me to the Ballet! Aaron knows what it is to beret :-)


Valerie said...

You are very wise!

cantare_21 said...

What's funny is that you can spell all those french ballet terms with no difficulty, but some of the easy English words give you trouble!

I could really do without the man parts in my face in ballet...

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