Thursday, August 19, 2010

The Invisible Man and Married Women

August book club! We added a new girl (Melissa) to our book club this month and Cece hosted the party. The book for the month was The Invisible Man. We had a yummy grilled dinner and chatted late into the night.

(yes I did spell Invisible wrong in the picture but It was to hard to change it)

Trying to figure out how to turn the timer on CeCe's fancy camera.

Last Friday two of my favorite people married each other, Emily and Brigham. It was such a beautiful romantic day.

(to see more pictures by a talented photographer go here)

I was lucky to be a brides maid (5th time being a brides maid) for Emily and had so much fun on that day. I actually teared up at this wedding. I think it was my first time. It was during their first dance and I think I was just so happy to see these two people so happy and in love. They both really deserve it. Then I got to dance with the cute MC, a.k.a. AC, that they had. It was romantic under the hundreds of white lights and stars and he twirled me (I love twirling:). It was a perfect night.

Cutest thing of the decorations... the Jones soda and Welchs juice that was served. How cute is that! ( I should mention that their last names are Jones and Welch)

Do you cry at weddings? How many times have you been in the wedding party?

(why are the children always out of control at weddings? Seriously!)


Karen M. Peterson said...

Book Club was SO much fun! I'm glad I was able to make it, even if I was late.

I'm a total sap. I almost ALWAYS cry at weddings.

Presley family said...

Looks like TONS of fun!!!

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