That means we are half way there to meeting our little boy. We are so excited and busy getting our home ready to welcome him. I have a feeling this last 20 weeks is going to fly. We are coming up on my favorite time of year and with all of the holidays and vacations, January will be here before we know it.
At 20 weeks I am:
- Feeling great!
- I really haven't gained that much weight but my belly is really sticking out!
- Can't sleep very well (my hips are killing me!)
- Have started the name selection
- Is motivated again to get to the gym
- Decided (with help from Aaron) the nursery theme will be vintage airplanes
- Has strangers ask how far along I am...I love it
- Know we are having a boy
Here is my 20 week picture. I'm getting big!

Progress so far. I really popped between 15 & 20 weeks!
This little guy is so active! It feels like he is doing somersaults all day long. It is the most incredible feeling.
Now, for some needed advice...
I'm thinking it's time to start a registry. So, what is one thing that you; couldn't live without, one thing that was nice but not necessary, and one thing that was a waste of money? Plus if you have any other tips on making a registry I would love them.