Thursday, May 24, 2012

Not fun.

It has been a rough 2 weeks. Blah. I feel like there are so many posts that I want to make (like Dane's 4 month post) but I've just been too busy with dumb things.

1. Work. I should start off by saying that I am very grateful for my job, and that it allows me to be home to raise my son. Truly grateful. However, being in property management really is a pain in the neck sometimes (okay, most of the time). Don't believe me? Read the stories on this blog. To try and keep this short I can summarize what happened by saying that I have a vacancy so the owner is going crazy. Only one vacancy, only been vacant for 15 days, 10 of which I couldn't show the apartment due to maintenance issues. So, one thing led to another, then, after our managers' meeting, I found an extra envelope included with my paycheck. It contained a write-up. No, there was no discussion, no verbal warning, no signing of forms.  And in said write up it states that they want me to answer the door while breastfeeding. This coming from the people that gave me 3 days off after giving birth, 2 of which I was in the hospital. No maternity leave. I didn't say anything. Again because I am really grateful for this job and really, compared to previous PM jobs, this one is by far the best.

2. The day after finding that write up I found out my bike had been stolen. I love my bike. We haven't been riding much since Dane was born but planned on getting a seat for it so Dane can join us on rides. Anyway, we have video footage of this idiot riding around on my bike in the parking area for about 10 min because he couldn't figure out how to get out. When he did get out, I pulled in exactly 2 minutes after.

3. Dane has started acting like he is teething. Enough said.

4. I got food poisoning and was up all night dealing with that. Dane decided that it would be a good idea to keep me company since being up all night is fun to him:-)

5. Everyone is moving away. It is just not in the cards for me to live in the same town as my best friends for very long.

So, yeah, a rough 2 weeks. Things are looking up though...

1. I went and met with my supervisors to clarify some issues and let them know I will not be answering the door while feeding my child. We left the meeting on good terms and smiling. This really is a good company. I'm just the first manager in the company to have had a baby. I just keep telling myself that I won't be a property manager forever.

2. Aaron found my bike! He can now add private investigator to his resume. After submitting a police report he went to a nearby bike shop where we have purchased some things and told the owner what happened. The nice guy told Aaron to check the pawn shops and to check out a certain bike store where he has heard people have found their stolen bikes. He checked the pawn shops. Nothing. The next day he decided to just run over and check that bike store and, wouldn't you know it, there was my bike sitting in the front of the shop! My jaw dropped when Aaron came riding out on my bike (I was waiting in the car with the boys). They had stripped it of its accessories but it still had our registration sticker and serial number on it. So we called the cops. 3 cop cars showed up, Aaron had to prove it was our bike (thank goodness Aaron keeps meticulous records), and the store owner just handed it back. Aaron then had to ride it the 4 miles back home as I shadowed him in the car to make sure no gang bangers tried to get it back. Okay, I was a little paranoid but we weren't exactly in the best part of town.

3. Said teether is just too cute!

4. Food poisoning has passed and Dane let me take a 2 hr nap the next day. The only sad part about this is that I think it will be a while before I can eat at Chipotle again. Bummer. I guess that is what I get for cheating on Cafe Rio.

5. I still have some awesome friends close by. And those of you who have moved better keep in touch! 

Hope your week is going better than mine! I'm done complaining now:-)


Anonymous said...

And you know FOR SURE you got the food poisoning from Chipotle? I've eaten there a lot, more than Cafe Rio and never gotten food poisoning.

Emily said...

Rough two weeks indeed! Glad things got straightened out with work. I might have flipped a little bit if it had happened to me. Hope it all gets better!

Emily Welch said...

Well, the good news is that Katie is moving back! And, well, you are always going to be in my heart! Your PM stories are terrifying. Brigham and I are saving for a house (income property - we want to by a double or triple decker and live in) which would result in some pm but at least we'd be working on our own terms...miss you!

Shawna Faye said...

Sorry girl! This has been a rough month for me too. Grr! And you know I will keep in touch and definitely come to visit and stuff. :)

And I'm glad you got your bike back!

Braden and Jodee said...

You should have titled this "seriously" and linked up with me. No fun! Seriously. Glad things are looking up though!

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