Well, there I am...

40 weeks! My ticker officially says "0 days left". I really can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone. It has been by far the coolest experience I have gone through. It had it's ups and downs and I've had my aches and pains but like someone once said to me, I am growing a miracle from God, a human inside of me- it's bond to be uncomfortable. Really, I feel so fortunate to have had such a relativity uneventful pregnancy.
I would be ungrateful if I didn't say how wonderful my husband has been through the whole thing. Seriously, even before we were pregnant and then through the whole pregnancy he has been supportive, kind, patient, and with a good sense of humor about the whole thing. Dane is one lucky little boy to get to have Aaron as his daddy.
I had a doctors appointment yesterday where he checked our progress and, well, there isn't any. So he said that we will see how things look next week and if they still look the same at that point he will probably let me go another week with fetal monitoring. He also said I look a little to happy and there isn't enough huffing and puffing going on. Guess I should start looking a little more miserable.
At 40 weeks I:
- Am excited
- Not dilated at all
- Have lost 1.5 lbs since my 38 week check up (whoo hoo!)
- Am craving soft serve from Joe's Italian Ice, and cuban food
- Am really tired
- Completed everything on my 'to do' list
- Have the hospital bag packed
- Walk everyday with my prego buddie Stephanie
- Don't mind if Dane hangs out in there for a little while longer
- Still don't know what his middle name will be
- Am having tons of contractions, including real ones
- Have frequent strong pains down there-which I thought meant progress. Not so much
- Have gained a total of 34lbs- which I'm okay with
- Have mastered the art of picking things up with my toes
Now it's just a waiting game. Hopefully he will pick any day but a Wednesday since that is the day that Aaron is gone all day either in LA or Ontario.
But at least we know he is healthy and will be here with-in 2 weeks. Yay!
Here is the belly growth over the past 40 weeks:

It's crazy how much a women's body can expand, ha? ;) And can you tell which week I had "morning" sickness. I didn't notice it till now but I totally have "I feel like crap" posture in week 15.